Minggu, 28 Desember 2014

difficulty learning English

difficult to understand why the English language? actually nothing is difficult for us to learn if there is a will of ourselves,, but from myself personally difficult once there is a willingness to learn English for my own also regretted not used to follow the course of the English language and it turns out that the English language is important

Job applications

Jakarta, December 9, 2014
Re: Job applications

Mr / Ms Leader
PT. Bhakti
Jl. Simatupang
East Jakarta

Dear Mr / Mrs,
In accordance with the job offers from PT. Bhakti, as contained in the advertisement Store Good 10 February 2013. I volunteered to join to become Telemarketing in PT. Bhakti.
My brief data, such as the following.

Name                         :    Septian Adi Nugroho
Gender                       :    Male
Place, date of birth    :     Bogor, September 24, 1993
Citizenship                :    Indonesia
Marital status            :    Unmarried
Health                       :    Very Good
Religion                    :    Islam
Detailed Address      :    Limus Pratama Regency K9 no 22 Rt 011/06 Cileungsi-Bogor
Mobile                      :    081218516707
E-mail                       :

I have a very good health condition, and can operate applications komputerr (MS. Word, Ms. Excel, Power Point). My educational background High School (SMK).
I am glad to learn, and can work independently and in teams with good.
For your consideration, I attach:

1. Curriculum Vitae.
2. Recent photograph.

I hope Mr / Mrs willing to take the time to give an interview, so that I can explain in more detail about my own potential.
Similarly, this cover letter, and thank you for the attention of Mr / Ms.

Yours faithfully,

Septian Adi Nugroho